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HEROIC MEN is presented by Catholic Men's Leadership Alliance (CMLA). The Catholic Men’s Leadership Alliance exists to help Catholic men claim, discover or rediscover the Catholic faith and live with integrity, servant leadership and boldness in their marriages, families, parishes and local communities.

The following describes the activities of CMLA.
-Encourages collaboration of clergy and lay leaders to help ensure long-term success in the evangelization of men.
-Endorses and supports the role of clergy in paving the way for more successful men’s outreach efforts.
-Recruits and supports active participation by clergy in expanding men’s evangelization ministry to new regions and dioceses.
-Provides guidance and input for lay leaders across country
-Encourages the regular vigorous participation in parish life, including the Sacraments and especially the Eucharist and Reconciliation.
-Endorses different approaches to appeal to men across the evangelization spectrum.
-Endorses proactive “hands-on” training which enables men’s evangelization.
-Serves as a resource to diocesan men’s ministries by synthesizing and publishing useful information regarding best practices.

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    HEROIC MEN is presented by Catholic Men's Leadership Alliance (CMLA). The Catholic Men’s Leadership Alliance exists to help Catholic men claim, discover or rediscover the Catholic faith and live with integrity, servant leadership and boldness in their ...